Cups Diverted from Landfills:

Woodland Park Zoo is joining the reuse movement!

All poured and fountain drinks across the park will be served in a reusable cup. Guests are asked to return those cups to a cup return bin where they will be inspected for quality, sanitized, and repacked by Bold Reuse for future use at the park.



Guests can help WPZ achieve zero waste by returning reusable cups.

Reusable cup program at Woodland Park Zoo

Each day, 300,000,000 single-use cups are thrown into landfills.

None will come from Woodland Park Zoo.

Frequently Asked Questions

By eliminating single-use plastic cups from Woodland Park Zoo, we will prevent a substantial amount of plastic waste from entering landfills and oceans. This initiative aligns with our commitment to sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint. Learn more.   

Cups are intended to be used only at Woodland Park Zoo to reduce our waste. The more cups returned means less resources and energy needed to create new ones. Return your cup so we can keep a good thing going!

There is currently no additional charge associated with your drink in a reusable. All we ask is that you please return your cup to a return bin when you finish your beverage so e can continue to provide this service with no additional charge.

Here at Bold Reuse, we take pride in our health and safety protocols. We have invested heavily in standard operating procedures which are on par with global food manufacturing facilities. Cups are sanitized in a low-heat dishwasher with chlorine, just as durable cups from your favorite restaurant are. 

Our reusable cups are made of BPA-free polypropylene #5, a safe and durable plastic that resists heat transfer (other #5 products include yogurt cups and baby bottles).  Though not perfect, its lightweight nature makes it ideal for reusable packaging and guest and wildlife safety at the zoo. 

Washing reusable containers does require water and energy. However, despite the resources needed to wash them, the environmental impact of reusables is significantly lower than that of single-use, disposable, and even compostable containers. You can learn more about why reusing is the better option for events in a recent study conducted by Upstream.

Bold Reuse is a women-owned and operated start-up on a mission to end single-use waste by making reusable packaging easy for everybody. Learn more.